The Timothy Group has assisted the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp (IRBC) with a pre-campaign study and capital campaign consulting as they trust God for $3,300,000 to build The ROCK, a gymnasium/classroom facility. The quiet phase of the campaign began in August 2019. Immediately, God showed up with several divine appointments which brought some amazing gifts, but then COVID-19 hit. Camp Director Phil Betz, his team, and board of directors faced several tough decisions. Should they pause the campaign? Will people continue to give? Is it possible to start construction before winter? When should they schedule the ground-breaking? There were no easy answers, but they decided to move forward by faith.
Even in the middle of COVID-19, The ROCK campaign raised $2,700,000 through gifts of all sizes, including an incredible $100,000 gift from a church which reduced their remaining need to $600,000. Phil has kept the camp constituency updated on the construction and campaign progress through livestream videos. In his December video he commented, “Wouldn’t it be cool to see the need reduced to $500,000 by the end of the year? Let’s pray about that together.”
On January 4th, as Phil prepped for his next video update, the campaign still needed $575,000 but he was grateful for all the progress they had made. Five minutes later, his administrative assistant handed him a check for $100,000 – dated December 24th, an incredible answer to prayer!
A few weeks earlier, one of the camp’s interns was planning to visit her sister who had a work relationship with a major donor. Phil asked if it would be okay to mention The ROCK and their remaining need. In God’s divine providence, when the sister met the donor, the donor asked if she knew of any organizations that could use help. She shared The ROCK story but had no idea that the donor would respond so generously. This donor has never been to the camp and has never met Phil!
God provides in miraculous ways! The IRBC experience teaches us many lessons: (1) When you’re not sure what next step to take, pray and keep walking by faith. (2) Regularly update your constituency with videos to keep them excited. (3) Network through every relationship you have. You never know who can lead you to your next gift. (4) Be Bold and Ask! Don’t talk yourself out of asking by thinking, “That donor would never give to us.” Let the donor decide. (5) Trust God to provide. It’s his work!
UPDATE: The Iowa Regular Baptist Camp reached their $3.3 million goal to build “The Rock,” a gym/classroom facility that will enhance their summer camping programs and winter retreats. That’s the good news, the bad news is because of rising construction costs they need an additional $200,000 to finish the project. Camp Director, Phil Betz, filmed an update video for his key donors sharing what God accomplished in hearts this summer, their building progress, and the remaining need. He added a personalized “thank you” for his top donors. Take a moment to watch this example of how to update, thank, and ask!
About the Author: Ron Haas, Vice President of The Timothy Group, has also served the Lord as a pastor, the vice president of advancement of a Bible college, a Christian foundation director, a board member and a fundraising consultant. He’s authored two books: Ask for a Fish – Bold Faith-Based Fundraising and Simply Share – Bold, Grace-Based Giving. He regularly presents fundraising workshops at ministry conferences and has written fundraising articles for At the Center magazine and Christian Leadership Alliance’s Outcomes magazine.