Capital Campaigns, Client Impact, Communication, Donor Relations, Extra Inspiration, Major Donors, Stewardship

Keep on Knocking: How Many Donor Connection Should You Make?

As a major gift officer, you have 150 to 175 potential donors in your portfolio. What’s the best way to connect with them? Just 15 to 20 meaningful interactions a week, consisting of 10 phone calls and 5 face-to-face visits, will revolutionize your fundraising game!

Categorize your donor interactions into six areas:

  1. Research: Do your homework. Start with a discovery call to learn why they first gave. Find out what they care about so you can connect better.
  2. Relationship-building: Get to know them. Trust is crucial for big donations. Build a real relationship by staying in touch and showing you care.
  3. Request: Ask the right way. When it’s time to ask for money, be clear and specific. Match your request to their interests and show how their help makes a difference.
  4. Recognize: Say thanks. Show your gratitude often. A quick handwritten note within a day of receiving a donation can mean a lot.
  5. Recruit: Grow your network. Get your donors to help find new supporters. Ask them to connect you with friends who might be interested. Maybe they could host a party to spread the word about your cause.
  6. Report: Keep them in the loop. Don’t drop off the radar after receiving a donation. Update donors on what you’re doing at least seven times a year. This could include visits, tours, thank-you notes, success stories, newsletters, reports, or calls. Keeping donors informed helps them feel like part of the team.

This game plan keeps donors interested and leads to big fundraising wins in the long run.

Metrics That Matter

The number of calls made should be your primary tracking metric. You can control who you see, when you see them, where you see them, and how much you ask for, but you have no control over the size of the gift.

Your Fundraising Superpower Strategy

When planning your calls, focus on potential and productivity. Reach out to those who show promise for larger contributions. Don’t forget to touch base with your current major donors—they’re often your best source for ongoing support. Keep an eye out for individuals who might be ready to increase their involvement or giving.

A major gift officer at a Christian college made 15-20 calls every week for 12 years. Sticking to this routine, he raised more than $6 million, with most donations under $10k. This proves how being consistent can really pay off big time.

Every time you meet with someone, you’ve got a chance to make an impact and push your ministry forward. So, keep at it! Your team’s counting on you to make things happen!

Remember the 4 C’s

See the People! See the People! See the People! And See what God will do!

About the Author: Pat McLaughlin; President/Founder – Pat started The Timothy Group in 1990 to serve Christian ministries as they raise money to advance their missions. TTG has assisted more 1,800 Christian organizations around the world with capital, annual, and endowment campaigns. More than 25,000 of Pat’s books, Major Donor Game Plan, The C Factor: The Common Cure for your Capital Campaign Conundrums, and Haggai & Friends have helped fundraisers understand the art and science of major donor engagement. Pat makes more than one hundred major donor visits annually and provides counsel to multiple capital campaigns.

Extra Inspiration

Mushrooms to the Rescue!

In his book The Red Sea Rules, Pastor Robert J. Morgan recounts a story as a reminder of how we can trust God to respond to our needs in His own unique way.

One of the first homeless shelters in America was started in Chicago in the 1880s. Colonel George and Sarah Clarke leased a notorious saloon known for years as the Pacific Beer Garden and began sharing meals and Christ’s love with vagrant men off Chicago streets. The Christian couple renamed it the Pacific Garden Mission which is still in operation today and renowned for its Unshackled radio broadcasts.

In those early years, the Clarke’s personally paid the landlord for the use of the facility. But eventually, operating the Mission became more than they could cover. About to lose the Mission because they couldn’t pay the rent, George and Sarah prayed throughout the night that the Lord would provide a way for them to keep the mission.

The next morning, they awoke to a great surprise. The entire front lawn of their home was covered in a blanket of white. Looking closer, they discovered that they were not ordinary plants, they were rare mushrooms. Gathering the crop, the Clarkes carted the mushrooms to Chicago’s famous Palmer House Hotel. There the chefs paid them handsomely for the harvest, enough money to pay the rent.

Owning to God’s timely provision, Mrs. Clarke would later affirm the miracle by saying “No mushrooms were ever seen there before—nor any since.” It’s a reminder to trust in God’s response to our needs, in his unique way, and for His glory.

What mushroom miracle do you need God to accomplish in your ministry? He specializes in miracles and can provide just what you need at just the right time.

Response: Father, I want to be diligent and sacrifice for the work you’ve given me to do. Help me trust you to accomplish the things that I cannot.

Think About This: Some donors are like mushrooms; they show up once and you never see them again. Make the most of every donor encounter, love them, thank them, and treat them as the gift they really are.

Author: Denny Bender, Consultant – Before joining The Timothy Group, Denny served as Executive Director of Union Rescue Mission in Wichita, Kansas, a 114-bed emergency housing shelter for homeless men that also provides addiction recovery, a residential life-change and re-engagement program, as well as food assistance and infant care items for women and needy families.

Extra Inspiration, Stewardship

History Repeats Itself: Lead With Heart

I am about to celebrate 40 years in the stewardship arena, However, I must admit I have never made this statement as many times as I have made in the last 4 months: “I don’t know” or “I am not sure”. This Pandemic has tossed all of us a curve ball.  Frankly, a pitch none of us have ever seen before, ever!

History has a way of repeating itself. It really does. In fact the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Do we somehow believe Solomon would have uttered that statement if he had lived through 4+ months of COVID-19? There have been lots of dark moment in history and moments of uncertainty; unprecedented times are not new to history buffs.

Back Then

The year 1940 was an unprecedented year in world history and in particular Europe. Nazi Germany had run through most European countries like a hot knife through butter. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland, and soon to be France name a few. An unlikely candidate named Winston Churchill was named as the new Prime Minister of England. 

France was also about to surrender to the Nazi war machine. Over 380,000 British and French troops had retreated to Dunkirk.  All of England was fearful as the last notch in the Hitler gun was the British Isles. They feared the Blitzkrieg and were certain there would be an invasion of ground forces in a matter of days or weeks.

Churchill’s first speech to the nation happened on April 9, 1940. Here’s an excerpt from that speech: “It would be foolish to disguise the gravity of the hour. It would be still more foolish to lose heart and courage”. Churchill shared many of the fears of his countrymen and women. But he instilled hope, faith, courage, and leadership with heart over the next 5 years as WWII played out in Europe, the Pacific, Africa, and Asia. 


I don’t have his words of wisdom for you today. I wish I did. But I can say this – don’t lose heart, courage, hope, or faith in our God. HE is in charge as our world re-boots and when you say, “here we go again”. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. HE does. 

Be faithful and God will supply the fruit. HE will help you as you re-boot and re-tool your ministry. Certainly, there is some gravity to this hour in which we live. Be strong and courageous and do the work, the Lord your God is with you. “He will not fail you or forsake you until all of the work is finished”, so says 1 Chronicles 28-19-20. 

Marching orders in this battle and in this war are on the invisible foe. It’s clear: be safe, share hope, and lead with heart and courage as you connect with your colleagues or ministries and with your donors. RE-Read Psalm 91 in The Message. Invite everyone around you albeit the gravity of these times to rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Yes, history repeats itself. So, let’s lead with heart.

Author: Pat McLaughlin, Founder & CEO of The Timothy Group. Check out some of Pat’s published books.

Extra Inspiration

Video Message: Enjoy Your Memorial Day

A special video message created just for you! Click below. Enjoy your Memorial Day!

View video on our YouTube channel.

Memorial Day Ponderings

It is a day we pause to think
about a chain formed link by link
that binds us to the liberties
that God desires for all.

It is a day for looking back
at how the mourners dreaded black
maintains the colors that we love…
the red, the white and blue.

In cemeteries far and near
small flags at grave sites make it clear
that freedom’s price was freely paid
by those who spent their lives.

And so on this Memorial Day
we place a wreath and humbly pray
that these who died courageously
will not have died in vain.

-Copyright 2006 by Greg Asimakoupoulos, Mercer Island, WA.

Capital Campaigns, Client Impact, Extra Inspiration, Strategic Planning

Simpson Rising!

On occasion, The Timothy Group loves to share what Kingdom-inspiring things our friends are up to in hopes that it helps others clarify their “3 M” story – Ministry, Message, and Money. Here is what’s happening at Simpson University in Redding, CA.


For almost 100 years, Simpson University has been a “Gateway to World Service!” Simpson is a Christian liberal arts university committed to creating an unapologetically evangelical Christ-centered learning community. Simpson desires to train students who are passionate about learn­ing and serving, with a deep desire to live their lives out loud as Christ-followers and influential leaders for the Kingdom.


Simpson University’s passion is to be the university of choice for students who aspire to achieve their chosen life goals through a Christ-led, transformational and innovative education.

Simpson’s goal is to develop each student in mind, faith and character for a lifetime of meaningful work and service in a constantly changing world. The phrase “Simp­son Rising!” has come to symbolize their collective sense of what God is doing there. Simpson trustees have developed a visionary strategic plan that includes some exciting new projects that will position Simpson to be the university of choice for the next generation of Christian leaders.

One innovative way that Simpson is creating engagement and excitement is by making sure their “Simpson Rising” card gets into the hands, hearts, and minds of their constituency. (see photo below). This very well done half-page card showcases their 5-year strategic plan using graphic charts and visuals. Simpson’s President, Norman Hall, prefers using the “optics of momentum” as a positive alternative to some of the news messaging being published today. (Check out Norman’s thoughts as a guest host panelist from The Timothy Group’s Zoom Panel Forum discussion on “Visualizing A Season Of Recovery”.)


Of course, Simpson’s visionary planning comes with raising the necessary funds to match their Kingdom goals. Their hopes and plans include raising $10M for a Business Technology and Engineering Building, $5M for a new Events Center, and another $5M for their Simpson Fund. They have begun to conduct a pre-campaign study which goes along with garnering alumni, family, friends, and community donor support.

The Timothy Group is supporting and praying for Simpson University’s Kingdom accomplishments! Simpson is Rising!

Simpson Rising Forecast Card
Extra Inspiration

Say “Hey! Have A Psalm 91 Day!”

After nearly a month on house arrest/stay at home order here in Michigan, I am ready for some good news, something positive. I need some hope. You too are part of the COVID-19 impact on your ministry, your church, your favorite restaurant, etc. There are no haircuts, we can’t get our lawns mowed. 22 million people have applied for unemployment the past 4 weeks. So, God where are you, are you hearing our prayers for safety and deliverance from this unseen foe? Then He showed me a word of encouragement from His Word. 

Psalm 91: 

There is hope! There are 8 words, concepts that the Psalmist mentions in this unique passage of scripture: Shelter, Refuge, Fortress, Strength, Shield, Deliverer, Rescuer, Protector. Those words seem to be counter-cultural amid the pandemic. While the media is feasting on bad news, we can find hope, peace, and rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  Why? Because of Psalm 91 and hundreds of other passages.  

I love reading this passage from The Message: “You who sit down in the High God’s presence, spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow, say this; “God you are my refuge. I trust in you and I’m safe!” That’s right, He rescues you from hidden traps and shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you, under them you are perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing, not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, nor disease that prowls through the darkness, nor disaster the erupts at high noon.” 

God is truly my refuse and my strength. Some people are experiencing anxious moments about pay checks and mortgage payments, nut who is really in charge? Is it the Federal Government, State Mandates, Local and Regional Authorities, or is it Jehovah God? The paraphrase from Eugene Peterson in The Message goes on to say: 

“Yes, because God’s your refuge, evil can’t get close to you, harm can’t get through the door. He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go. If you stumble, they will catch you. Their job is to keep you from falling. If you’ll hold onto me for dear life, says God, I ‘ll get you out of trouble. I’ll give you the best of care, if you’ll only get to know me and trust me. Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times. I’ll rescue you, then throw a party. I’ll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation.” 

The reality of life:  

I am honoring the stay at home order, I am washing my hands, I am wearing a mask when I am at the grocery store. Careless behavior is not condoned by God and neither is the misuse of Scripture. Even during the tough times, we are all living under God’s protection and the comfort of his presence. All of us can rest in the shadow of the Almighty! He is a covering for His people. God’s comfort is a wing of security amidst this world’s uncertainty and suffering. Here is my thought for the day, and through the rest of this time: Make each day a Psalm 91 day. 

Say to your friends, your colleagues, your neighbors from 6 feet away, “Hey, have a Psalm 91 day!”   

Extra Inspiration

From Our Family To Yours This Easter Weekend

Wow, does it feel like Easter weekend? We had snow overnight here in Michigan! 

This time of year, we often pause for thought. Why are we all in ministry? We ask the “why” question a lot here at The Timothy Group. Here is our take:

God loved us and sent his Son to earth to save us. We believe Jesus came to redeem mankind through the sacrifice of his life; his blood atoned for the sin of the world. He defeated the power of Satan on the cross. He conquered the grave, sin and death. We are in ministry to take that life-changing message of God’s love to the world. 

We all feel stuck at home and wondering how we can make a difference. Life seems uncertain right now. For the first time in history, families and friends will only be able to attend Good Friday and Easter services online. But soon, we will be back on the front lines sharing the story of the resurrected Jesus and his power to redeem the world with his promise of eternal life. 

Let’s remind ourselves we are in ministry because of this life-changing message: ”HE IS RISEN!” “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15).

We hope you enjoy this special time at home with your families this weekend sharing His prescious gift together.

A joyful part of the resurrection story,

The TTG Family

Extra Inspiration

Remember Easter

With all the current events taking place this year, it’s easy to lose our enthusiasm for celebrating Easter. Easter won’t be taken place in our home churches, with our communities and families. Instead, we’ll be in our homes, watching service on a TV, as we’ve been doing for the past 3 weeks.

Continue reading on via Madison’s eDevo below…

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