Wow, does it feel like Easter weekend? We had snow overnight here in Michigan!
This time of year, we often pause for thought. Why are we all in ministry? We ask the “why” question a lot here at The Timothy Group. Here is our take:
God loved us and sent his Son to earth to save us. We believe Jesus came to redeem mankind through the sacrifice of his life; his blood atoned for the sin of the world. He defeated the power of Satan on the cross. He conquered the grave, sin and death. We are in ministry to take that life-changing message of God’s love to the world.
We all feel stuck at home and wondering how we can make a difference. Life seems uncertain right now. For the first time in history, families and friends will only be able to attend Good Friday and Easter services online. But soon, we will be back on the front lines sharing the story of the resurrected Jesus and his power to redeem the world with his promise of eternal life.
Let’s remind ourselves we are in ministry because of this life-changing message: ”HE IS RISEN!” “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15).
We hope you enjoy this special time at home with your families this weekend sharing His prescious gift together.
A joyful part of the resurrection story,
The TTG Family