As a major gift officer, you have 150 to 175 potential donors in your portfolio. What’s the best way to connect with them? Just 15 to 20 meaningful interactions a week, consisting of 10 phone calls and 5 face-to-face visits, will revolutionize your fundraising game!
Categorize your donor interactions into six areas:
- Research: Do your homework. Start with a discovery call to learn why they first gave. Find out what they care about so you can connect better.
- Relationship-building: Get to know them. Trust is crucial for big donations. Build a real relationship by staying in touch and showing you care.
- Request: Ask the right way. When it’s time to ask for money, be clear and specific. Match your request to their interests and show how their help makes a difference.
- Recognize: Say thanks. Show your gratitude often. A quick handwritten note within a day of receiving a donation can mean a lot.
- Recruit: Grow your network. Get your donors to help find new supporters. Ask them to connect you with friends who might be interested. Maybe they could host a party to spread the word about your cause.
- Report: Keep them in the loop. Don’t drop off the radar after receiving a donation. Update donors on what you’re doing at least seven times a year. This could include visits, tours, thank-you notes, success stories, newsletters, reports, or calls. Keeping donors informed helps them feel like part of the team.
This game plan keeps donors interested and leads to big fundraising wins in the long run.
Metrics That Matter
The number of calls made should be your primary tracking metric. You can control who you see, when you see them, where you see them, and how much you ask for, but you have no control over the size of the gift.
Your Fundraising Superpower Strategy
When planning your calls, focus on potential and productivity. Reach out to those who show promise for larger contributions. Don’t forget to touch base with your current major donors—they’re often your best source for ongoing support. Keep an eye out for individuals who might be ready to increase their involvement or giving.
A major gift officer at a Christian college made 15-20 calls every week for 12 years. Sticking to this routine, he raised more than $6 million, with most donations under $10k. This proves how being consistent can really pay off big time.
Every time you meet with someone, you’ve got a chance to make an impact and push your ministry forward. So, keep at it! Your team’s counting on you to make things happen!
Remember the 4 C’s
See the People! See the People! See the People! And See what God will do!
About the Author: Pat McLaughlin; President/Founder – Pat started The Timothy Group in 1990 to serve Christian ministries as they raise money to advance their missions. TTG has assisted more 1,800 Christian organizations around the world with capital, annual, and endowment campaigns. More than 25,000 of Pat’s books, Major Donor Game Plan, The C Factor: The Common Cure for your Capital Campaign Conundrums, and Haggai & Friends have helped fundraisers understand the art and science of major donor engagement. Pat makes more than one hundred major donor visits annually and provides counsel to multiple capital campaigns.