For the moment, the way we do fundraising has changed. Ministries that relied on group events have had to cancel their meetings. Stay at home orders have prevented face to face donor visits, banquets, and ministry briefings. Even golf events are forced to reschedule. How can you pivot and use this time to connect with your donors in a deeper way?
Phone calls. Now is a great time to call your donors. Chances are you’ll actually catch them at home for once! Spend some quality time getting to know them on a deeper level. Show concern about their families who may live in areas that are being impacted more severely. Everyone is under stress. Share honestly about your ministry’s financial situation, and if the Spirit leads ask them to help with a special gift at this critical time. For help, check out our. Effective Guide To Making Donor Thank You Calls.
Texting. Texting is another great way to stay in touch with your key donors. You can text verses, ask for prayer requests, send links to ministry videos. Every means of contact keeps your donor relationship fresh. You may wish to share one of our Fundraising Verses of the Week.
Video Calls. Many ministries are connecting through various video platforms. FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, and Skype are just a few of the many options. Your donors connect with friends and family this way, there is no reason why you shouldn’t as well. One ministry is successfully using Zoom calls to update their donors and ask for their financial partnership.
Live Videos. Phil Betz from the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Ventura, Iowa is using this 30-day window to post a 5-minute video on Facebook. He shares a devotional thought and films each day from a different location on the campgrounds creating enthusiasm for his campers, families, and donors.
Recorded Videos. World Help, a Christian relief and development mission, effectively uses videos from their founder to share critical ministry updates. The videos are emailed to the entire mailing list. You could send a special video to your major donor list sharing more “insider” information. Recorded videos are great, but they don’t replace personal live conversations. It’s the difference between seeing a YouTube video and talking with a friend.
Hand-written notes. High tech is cool, but there’s something to be said about high touch. Don’t forget to send a “Thinking of You” card to encourage your donors during this uncertain time. Check out Help Scout’s post for some great examples.
Share some creative ways you are staying in touch with your major donors and we will share them!