Are you fine-tuning your annual fund plan regularly? Like strategic planning, good fund development planning builds unity and harmony across your organization and constituency. Practice makes perfect, so it’s helpful to begin by understanding the basics.

What is an annual fund plan?

It’s closely partnered with your organization’s multi-year strategic plan. In fact, your annual fund plan is one of those sub-plans that rolls out of your strategic plan. The strategic plan provides the framework and foundation for your organization’s work. Then you create a fund development plan—guided by the organization’s strategic plan—to secure the financing to support that strategic plan.

Like institutional strategic planning, good fund development planning is a process that builds organization-wide understanding of and ownership for fund development. Like the process of institutional planning, the best fund development planning process generates learning and change, and produces alignment and shared accountability. And, just like institutional strategic planning, effective fund development planning also produces results.

What is a strategic plan?

A process devoted to developing a shared vision of the organization’s future.

A determination of the best way to make this vision happen.

A map that connects the dots between the vision of your organization and your fundraising efforts.

A two-fold plan; an annual plan based on needs and a long-range plan based on history.

What are 4 key steps to fine-tune your annual fund plan?

Assess (or compose) your fund plan.

Synchronize your fund to your strategic plan.

Compile the key pieces in your fund plan.

Play to the right markets.

Where can I find more specifics to help build a masterpiece plan?

You can start right here! Below you will find an in-depth slide presentation, sample calendars, sample plans, graphics and more. 







Sample_Ask-Piece_Open-Door-Christian-Schools Sample_Ask-Piece_ World-Mission   About the Author: Kent Vanderwood, Vice President – Kent offers clients over 35 years of non-profit experience including teaching, administrative, consulting, and directorships. Through his work as Development Director for The Potter’s House, Gospel Communications International, and Mel Trotter Ministries, Kent brings a wealth of experience in fundraising and development. He currently serves as a board member for the West Michigan chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). His passion for seeing Christian stewardship principles applied in a systematic way helps the non-profit organization or ministry be successful in fulfilling its mission.

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