PDP (Professional DynaMetric Programs®) is an effective tool that we use at The Timothy Group to attract and hire advancement superstars in all things having to do with people in the workplace. PDP developed their ProScan Survey and Reports to help people understand themselves and others. The PDP components are ProScan, JobScan, and TeamScan. They define and measure strengths, providing an accurate description of a person’s style of behavior. Organizations are using the ProScan results to help them know and develop their people, to hire and place the right persons in positions, and to develop strong teams. See current research studies and published case studies. 


ProScan, the core of the PDP process, is a non-threatening, quick, easy, and reliable tool that is one of the most advanced people measurement instruments available. Statistical research of working adults enables the ProScan Survey to produce reliable results to accurately assess a person’s basic and preferred work styles. The survey examines combinations of specific traits that affect how the person works most effectively and reacts under stress. ProScan focuses on strengths and motivators and is an EEOC approved hiring and workplace tool. ProScan reports measure how a person functions most naturally, the role a person feels they need to play, how a person predictably comes across to others, energy resources, satisfaction index, stress levels, energy drain, and decision-making style. 

The Timothy Group takes the interpretation of the ProScan profile a step further as we use our experience in the advancement/development arena to relate these individual strengths and behaviors specifically to development activities, and provide the tools needed to ensure success. 


JobScan uses a specifically designed JDA (Job Dynamics Analysis) survey to help organizations develop customized Job Models for specific positions. By defining and measuring strengths and work styles necessary for success, Job Models provide objective criteria for hiring and placement decisions. 


TeamScan graphs a composite of the individuals in a group, using their individual ProScans, showing likely group work styles and preferences. TeamScan predicts group interactions, and measures group characteristics such as communication styles and team perceptions. 

Simple 4-Step Process

All PDP surveys are delivered and completed electronically and can be completed in fifteen minutes or less and provide a wealth of information: 

(1) We send an invitation link to you via email 

(2) You complete the survey online .

(3) We are notified that the survey has been returned. 

(4) We process the report and then send it to you electronically. 

After you receive the report and have a chance to read it, we are available to discuss the results with you. Whether virtually or by cell, this phone conversation generally ranges from 30 minutes to one hour. 

We would love to be of assistance to you through the use of PDP. Please download our brochure and let us know if you have questions about the process.

Article submitted by Jane McLaughlin. Jane started The Timothy Group, along with her husband Pat, in 1990. She is the Chief Financial Officer as well as the company’s certified Professional DynaMetric Programs® Administrator.

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