From my perspective, the real benefit of a capital campaign case for support is that you can use it to test your assumptions. If the case for support for your capital campaign is clear, compelling, and visionary, your donors will buy into your case and support it financially. And when donors buy into your organizational mission and campaign case for support, they will invest their time, talent, and treasure to help you succeed. You will gain their trust, understanding, and belief in your campaign as well as two distinct commodities: human resources (time and talent) and dollar resources (over and above capital dollars).

“Case statement” is a legal term. If you were required to appear in a court of law and prove your case for existence, what would you be able to substantiate? Think about how you might build your case for support for your capital campaign. Here is a brief case statement outline.

• History – What are the significant milestones in the life of your organization? (Founding date, expansion dates, when new ministries were added, etc.)

• Purpose – Whom do you serve? What need called you into existence? How do you meet that need? What is your impact or your effectiveness?

• Need – What pressing needs does your organization have? What should your future include? What will this accomplish? What needs will be met? How does this need relate to your ministry goals? What period of time will be required to meet this need?

• Programs – What specific programs carry out your mission statement? What is the focus of each program? What are the long-range objectives of each program?

• Personnel – What experience does your staff have in providing this type of program? What will expanding your ministry mean to your staff?

• Equipment/Materials – What equipment, technology, and material challenges do you face for future programs?

• Facilities – Where will each program be carried out?

• Costs – What is the cost of the overall program? If you have more than one cost, specify each segment.

• Funding Plan – On what project or projects are you focusing? Where do you plan to get the funding?

Build the case, the human need that drives your organization, and share with your donors what it will take to fulfill the goals of your capital campaign. By communicating your need, you will test your overall “state of the case” for your entire organization. Align your case with the passion of your donors lay the groundwork for a conundrum-free campaign!

About the Author: Pat McLaughlin President/Founder – Pat started The Timothy Group in 1990 to serve Christian ministries as they raise money to advance their missions. TTG has assisted more 1,800 Christian organizations around the world with capital, annual, and endowment campaigns. More than 25,000 of Pat’s books, Major Donor Game Plan, The C Factor: The Common Cure for your Capital Campaign Conundrums, and Haggai & Friends have helped fundraisers understand the art and science of major donor engagement. Pat makes more than one hundred major donor visits annually and provides counsel to multiple capital campaigns.

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