Autumn is one of the most enjoyable times of the year for me. I love the fall colors and looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. In this 4th quarter, you will most likely receive more donations than any other time of the year. Every ministry needs an annual development calendar that outlines your plans and financial goals for each fundraising activity and appeal. Fundraising success just doesn’t happen; it takes hard work and a prayerful, strategic approach to reach your goals. Year-end has a flurry of activities with end of year mailings, major donor solicitation, and special events. You might think, “We’re too busy to squeeze in another project.” That may be true, but maybe not.

#GivingTuesday can give you and your organization more energy and motivation to finish the year strong. You may have tried it and not done so well. You may have tried and did OK but are not sure you should try again. Or, you may have done it several times, learned how to do it, and now raise some serious dollars.

#GivingTuesday is December 1, 2020. Here are some helpful ideas! 

  • Find a small starter project for your #GivingTuesday. It could be carpeting a classroom, purchasing musical instruments, adding a piece of equipment to your STEM Lab, etc. Raise money for something already in your budget. Do something that is exciting that will engage many people.
  • Engage your entire constituency: parents, grandparents, friends, family members of employees, students, ministry prayer warriors, teachers, professors, community leaders, and churches. EVERYONE needs to be involved. Who do you know? Don’t underestimate the power of peer-to-peer fundraising!
  • Determine an amount you can reach in one day. Set yourself up for a win that makes everyone feel good and energized.
  • Do not forget that #GivingTuesday is a one-off type of event each year. It lasts one day and does not interfere with your other fundraising plans. Ask people to give over and above their current giving. Have fun. It will work.
  • #GivingTuesday gives your organization an opportunity to sharpen your online/social media presence by amplifying your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Engage some new volunteers to help!
  • Your email list is key. Continue to update your database with current contact information. Use e-blast software like MailChimp, Constant Contact, SendInBlue, MailerLite, etc. to promote and initiate your campaign.
  • Aggressively promote #GivingTuesday. Keep people updated on your fundraising progress during the day, so they can join in the excitement.
  • Ask a major donor to give a matching gift.
  • Follow up with everyone, especially those who donated – thank them. Ask them to pray with you and your organization to have a strong year-end fundraising effort.
  • Now, you have a starting place for next year!

#GivingTuesday is a collaborative effort – locally and globally to make your presence known. Learn more at: www.givingtuesday.org

Author: Dr. Jim Johnson, Senior Consultant

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