The Lord said to Moses: “Bring me seventy of Israel’s elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people. Have them come to the tent of meeting, that they may stand there with you.  I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take some of the power of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them. They will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry it alone” (Numbers 11:16-17).

The Children of Israel whined and complained about the menu longing for food from Egypt. Moses was at his wit’s end and cried out, “This job is too much for me. How can I take care of all these people by myself? If this is the way you’re going to treat me, just kill me now and end my miserable life!” (Num. 11:14-15 CEV). Have you reached your breaking point with all your fundraising responsibilities? There’s hope if you follow Moses’ example and find some help.


Perhaps you’ve had dismal experiences with volunteers and are reluctant to try again. It may seem easier to do everything yourself, but it’s a surefire way to burn out. Don’t settle for just any volunteers. Solomon warns, “Like an archer who wounds at random is one who hires a fool or any passer-by” (Prov. 26:10). Moses chose those who were known for leadership. Inform prospective board members about their responsibility to give and get others to give.


Most volunteers want to accomplish something significant. Some nonprofits recruit successful businesspeople but then don’t use them. Eventually, they quit because the ministry wasted their time. These seventy leaders were empowered with the Holy Spirit. Empower your Spirit-filled volunteers with stories of your mission impact. Motivate your leaders to advance your mission by showing them the eternal difference they are making in the lives of those you serve.


The Lord chose these leaders to share Moses’ burden. Delegation is an art. Too often leaders simply dump responsibilities on others hoping for the best. Even worse, some leaders delegate then micromanage their volunteers. A wise leader clearly defines expectations, trains fully, provides the resources to be successful, then steps back and lets them own it.


When you give someone a responsibility you must trust them to carry it out. Moses had to release his burden to others. Your key volunteers can help carry your fundraising efforts by identifying, cultivating, and even soliciting donors. They have relationships you don’t and can speak to their friends with passion.

Think About This:
Perhaps God has increased your pressures to teach you to rely on him and not yourself. Finding, training, and motivating key volunteer leaders is a challenging job, yet you limit your effectiveness if you try to do it all by yourself. As the African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Start small. Who are two individuals you could recruit this week to help you fundraise?

Lord, please forgive me for trying to do it all myself. I praise you for empowering others who could help carry the load. Please reveal them to me.

Ron Haas has served the Lord as a pastor, the vice president of advancement of a Bible college, a Christian foundation director, a board member and a fundraising consultant. He’s authored three books: Ask for a Fish – Bold Faith-Based Fundraising, Simply Share – Bold, Grace-Based Giving, and Keep on Asking – Bold, Spirit-Led Fundraising. He regularly presents fundraising workshops at ministry conferences and has written fundraising articles for  Christian Leadership Alliance’s Outcomes magazine.

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