“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).
Elijah prayed and it did not rain for three and a half years. Imagine forty-two months without rain—rivers dwindle to a trickle, lakes evaporate, crops fail, livestock die of thirst, and hope slowly fades. Elijah prayed again and “the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its crops” (James 5:18). It wasn’t a quick “bless the missionaries” prayer. Seven times he prayed and asked his servant to look to the sky for answers. Six times the servant saw nothing, but the seventh time he saw “a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising from the sea” (1 Kings 18:44). God opened the windows of heaven because of Elijah’s persistent prayer.
Are you experiencing a budget drought? You need P.U.S.H Fundraising—Pray Until Something Happens. Often, we stop praying after one or two anemic prayers, but God answers when we persevere. Sure, you pray to meet your budget, but do you pray for the individuals who can help you meet your budget? If you only know your donors by their I.D. numbers, you can only pray in generalities. But if you know your donors intimately, you can pray with understanding. Paul prayed these requests for the Colossian believers (see Col. 1:9-10).
Know God’s will. “We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives” (vs. 9).
Knowing and doing God’s will is top of mind for every believer who wants to wholeheartedly serve the Lord. Your ministry partners need knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to make good stewardship decisions.
Live worthy. “Live a life worthy of the Lord” (v.10).
To walk worthy means our actions match our words. Sincere believers don’t say one thing and do another. Wealth comes with many temptations. Unfortunately, many “have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Tim. 6:10). Pray for your ministry partners to live their faith, not merely profess it.
Please God. “Please him in every way” (v. 10).
In the last days, people will be “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2 Tim. 3:4). Pray your donors will not be swayed by “the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things” (Mark 4:19). Your donors need wisdom to please the Lord in their money management, especially their giving.
Bear fruit. “Bearing fruit in every good work” (v 10).
Jesus taught, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Pray your ministry partners will remain in Christ and bear fruit that lasts. Hudson Taylor said, “The Lord’s work done in the Lord’s way will never fail to have the Lord’s provision.” In response Francis Shaefer observed, “The Lord’s work done in human energy is not the Lord’s work any longer. It is something, but it is not the Lord’s work.”
Think About This: If God answered all your prayers, would it change the world and your ministry partners, or just your budget?
Response: Father, please help me pray specifically for our donors to seek your will and bear much fruit through their generosity.
Ron Haas has served the Lord as a pastor, the vice president of advancement of a Bible college, a Christian foundation director, a board member and a fundraising consultant. He’s authored three books: Ask for a Fish – Bold Faith-Based Fundraising, Simply Share – Bold, Grace-Based Giving, and Keep on Asking – Bold, Spirit-Led Fundraising. He regularly presents fundraising workshops at ministry conferences and has written fundraising articles for At the Center magazine and Christian Leadership Alliance’s Outcomes magazine.