Persistence in Uncertain Times
During the past several months, how many times have you heard the phrase, “these uncertain or challenging times?” No doubt, you have faced times of difficulty and discouragement. Thankfully, recent reports give hope that new medications, therapies, and a possible vaccine for COVID-19 are expected to be available soon.

Scriptures encourage us to endure and trust God for guidance, direction, and provision. “Be strong and courageous,” and, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” As you battle through these final months of 2020, you must give a 110% effort to your fundraising activities. You must remain diligent in the work. If you do your part, you can trust God for the increase. Here are some action steps for your last few weeks of 2020.

November 2020
Initial year-end appeal sent out via email and snail mail on or before Nov. 15th.
Conduct a Ministry Briefing event and arrange follow up visits to those expressing interest in learning more about your ministry.
Schedule personal visits with major/mega donors during final quarter of 2020 by CEO, COO, and CDO. Prepare a sample script for contact by phone with the goal of scheduling visit appointments, not soliciting gifts.
Thank you calls. Recruit team members to make “thank you” calls to major, mega, and faithful donors as part of your year-end outreach. Acknowledge gifts received during 2020, particularly major gifts, and remind them of your year-end appeal. Team members should include board members, administrative staff, development staff, and faithful volunteers dedicated to your ministry’s mission and vision. Prepare a sample script for call team members to use for donor outreach calls in December.
Personal or virtual visits. CEO, COO, and CDO to make personal or virtual visits with key donors for solicitation of significant year-end gift commitments.

December 2020
Follow up year-end appeal sent out via email and snail mail on or before Dec 10th.
Conduct another Ministry Briefing event and arrange follow up visits to those expressing interest in learning more about the ministry.
Finalize personal contact with major/mega donors to schedule personal or virtual visits during final quarter of 2020 by CEO, COO, and CDO. Prepare a sample script for contact by phone with the goal of making visit appointments. Don’t solicit during the call, just schedule the appointment.
Thank you calls. Team members to make “thank you” calls to major, mega, and faithful donors. Provide a sample script for call team members to use for donor outreach calls after year-end appeal follow up is sent out via mail and email. Make these calls between 12/10 to 12/20.
Personal or virtual visits. CEO, COO and CDO travel to make personal or virtual visits with key donors to solicit significant year-end gifts.
Prepare for last minute gifts. Administrative and development staff should be on call to follow up with key donors interested in arranging special or last-minute year-end gifts (gifts of stock; IRA Rollover, planned gifts, etc.).

Take these action steps and share your ministry story. Then trust God to “throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it” (Malachi 3:10). Please email us and let us know how your year-end fundraising plans are coming. We would love to hear from you.

Author: Dan DiDonato, Consulant

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