Client Impact, Development, Donor Relations, Fundraising, Major Donors

Major Donor Game Plan: Research

I have invested 40 years in the stewardship arena with major donors raising money in the USA, Canada, the UK, the Middle East, China, Cuba, Honduras, Europe, Africa, Cambodia, New Zealand, and a few other spots around the globe.

Yes, I believe in moves management. If you force me, I will work with it. I understand it, however, over the years I have seen so many organizations get bogged down trying to understand the right next move with their key donors. I wrote Major Donor Game Plan in 2006 to help ministries simplify their approach to donors. This article is the first in a series unpacking the 6 R’s of major donor engagement: (1) Research (2) Relationship (3) Request (4) Recognition (5) Recruitment and (6) Report.

We know a lot about mega/major donor relationships because we have seen a lot. My team and I understand both the science and the art of finding, cultivating, educating, soliciting, and stewarding major donors because we spend time in the field talking with major donors. The art of fundraising paints a ministry story for your donors; the science of fundraising uncovers and manages donor information.

Rudyard Kipling used five strong men to tell a story: who, what, when, where, and why. A compelling case is your starting point for identifying new ministry partners. Your case for support, in essence, is a story that involves your mission, vision, core values, and the human need you are addressing. Who will you tell your great story to? How do you find new donors? Let’s start with Research. There are two basic forms: external and internal. Let’s explore both.

External research. Consider conducting a wealth asset screening of your donor base to discover hidden donors. There are many services available: Blackbaud Analytics, Donor Search, Donor Scape, iWave, and Wealth Engine to name a few. These sources provide insight on an individual’s net worth, income, assets, real estate, stock holding, charitable contributions and other financial related data as well as business and personal contact information. For instance, Wealth Engine pulls together data from 60 public sources to look through 300 million profiles and 122 million households. Their profiles also provide an estimated gift range for each donor based on their assets. Intrusive no. Valuable yes.

NOTE: Wealth asset research does not get you any closer to the donor, it merely gives you more information about them and their capacity. Use it wisely and do not misuse it. Practice the Golden Rule and the Mom Rule. Treat every ministry partner like you would want your mother to be treated.   

Internal research starts with the information that you already know from your CRM. What prompted their first gift? How long have they given? What are their giving motivations? Look for patterns and opportunities to lift your donors to a new level of engagement.

What relational knowledge can you discover about your donor? Someone knows this person or couple. Who do mega/major donors hang around with? Other mega/major donors. They work together, golf together, live in the same gated community – someone knows them. Handle this information very carefully. Be circumspect. Ask your existing donors who they might know who may be interested in partnering with your ministry. Share a few names of donor prospects and suspects you are trying to meet and ask if they could an open door.

A conversation goes like this, “Bill and Mary, you have been such close friends of our ministry and great financial partners. One of the great joys I have is meeting new friends who could partner with us to reach more people for Christ. Do you know Scott and Judy? What kinds of ministries do they support? What gives them joy in their stewardship practices? Would you be willing to introduce them to our ministry? We would love to share with them all the wonderful things God is accomplishing in our ministry and invite them to pray and consider partnering with us.”

External research coordinated with internal research will help you discover new ministry partners with capacity. Do your homework. Involve your major donor team and volunteers. Your trustees can and should also play a key role in your new major donor research.

Research… don’t leave home without it!

About the Author: Pat McLaughlin President/Founder – Pat started The Timothy Group in 1990 to serve Christian ministries as they raise money to advance their missions. TTG has assisted more 1,800 Christian organizations around the world with capital, annual, and endowment campaigns. More than 25,000 of Pat’s books, Major Donor Game Plan, The C Factor: The Common Cure for your Capital Campaign Conundrums, and Haggai & Friends have helped fundraisers understand the art and science of major donor engagement. Pat makes more than one hundred major donor visits annually and provides counsel to multiple capital campaigns. 

Client Impact, Development, Donor Relations, Fundraising

Special Events Secret Sauce

A development officer recently referred to special events as a love-hate relationship. You love them for the goodwill and needed funds they raise and almost hate them, concurrently, because they can be so all-consuming of your time and energy and overtax your valued volunteers. The key to successful and sustainable special events is multiple strategic outcomes. Events are not just something we do to justify our existence on a development, fundraising, or alumni relations team. Successful events should contribute to multiple outcomes, including growth in volunteer engagement, donor cultivation, generating fundraising income, goodwill and peer relationship building, memorable experiences, networking, milestone, and mission-affirming celebrations, etc.

Before your next event, identify at least two or more specific outcomes, such as funds raised and networking opportunities, or donor cultivation and community good will.

3 Primer Questions for Events

Ask yourself these primer questions to evaluate whether or how to proceed with an event you are hosting for the first time or improving for a repeat cycle:

1. Purpose. Will my volunteer opportunities for this event be meaningful and life-giving for volunteers? Will they be energized by serving or just dutifully helping because this is what we/they have always done?

2. Outcomes. Can the time and energy invested in this event achieve significant outcomes desired in moving forward donor relationships through goodwill, networking, or raising funds?

3. Capacity. Who of our staff and volunteer leadership is best equipped to accomplish this event? Is there space on our calendar, job descriptions, and organizational budget to be successful?

6 Examples of Events and Outcomes They Can Fulfill

Events that can generate more than one outcome. Here are some examples:

1. Business/leadership roundtables and networking events featuring a speaker or panel to inspire local community leaders. These can be a great way to meet new influential friends for a breakfast or luncheon and discover who in my community cares about my ministry. A business luncheon creates an opportunity to cultivate partnerships with corporate, foundation, and small business leaders while showcasing your organizational mission. These events can be hosted on-site at your ministry, or you can bring your ministry/client testimonials to these business leaders at a fun, historic, or a locally interesting site.

2. Banquet, golf outing, outdoorsman event, auction gala, or fall festival. These are great ways to have fun with donors, clients, staff, and prospective future donors who get a glimpse of your good work and help you raise funds.

3. Homecoming, grandparents’ day, parents’ weekends, alumni or former client/graduate receptions and reunions. These are wonderful opportunities to personally engage with old and new friends. Make the most of these opportunities to increase your database/relationship gathering information on current and potential donors. If done well, events like these promote positive engagement and can lead you to significant dollars.

4. Celebration and groundbreaking events (graduations, campaign completion benchmarks, etc.). Don’t miss opportunities to give God praise for the great things he is doing in your ministry.  Commemorate new beginnings and new milestones in mission fulfillment. Taking time to celebrate victories reinforces your mission, builds momentum, and strengthens your donor relationships.

5. Virtual events. Especially in the last year, many ministries have moved their events to a virtual format. COVID has forced us to discover ways of reaching your constituency that you might not have otherwise engaged due to geography or health concerns. Consider all types of opportunities, including live-streaming virtual concerts and performances, online fundraising galas, and specialized donor appreciation events, etc.

6. Vision-casting/donor briefing events. These present wonderful opportunities to test new strategic or fundraising initiatives with a select group of donors and prospects in home gatherings and/or affinity groups.

4 Essential Criteria for Successful Event Planning

When you plan, host, or retool past events, keep in mind these four tips:

1. Know your audience. Keep the time of year and event length in mind when deciding what, when, and where to host your event.

2. Know your volunteers. Match the personality, skills, and interests of volunteers with various committee, leadership, or event-day responsibilities that will maximize their strengths and passions.

3. Know your goals. By considering your primary outcomes intended for a given event, you can give your staff and volunteers a visual picture of what success will look like.

4. Know your results. Be sure you gather volunteer, staff, and participant feedback in a follow-up debrief meeting and/or surveys to measure how you met desired outcomes. Write down ways to improve the event in the future, if positive feedback indicates you should continue it.

When utilized effectively and focused on the right priority outcomes, events can help you cultivate donors, prospective donors, and volunteers. You can encourage greater community support, promote your mission, start new relationships, and build donor and volunteer loyalty. Done well, a strategic use of special events is a significant tool in furthering and funding your mission for assisting those you serve.

About the Author: Jody Fausnight, CFRE, has worked in the fund development field for more than 25 years serving as a director of advancement, a community/public relations director with four non-profit organizations, and as a consultant. Jody has expertise in Christian school recruiting, public relations, fund development, and major gift cultivation strategies. He has successfully raised many millions on behalf of numerous organizations and has grown ministry development programs from the ground up on more than one occasion.

Client Impact, Development, Donor Relations, Fundraising

God will Provide

Faith vs. Doubt in Fundraising

Christian ministry fundraising incites our Christian faith. The same God who creates our needs is the same God we must trust. We have a choice to either embrace faith or doubt. As a development director at a Christian K-12 school, I know this circumstance all too well. I rebuke doubt and embrace the belief that God will help me meet my school’s annual fundraising goal. Faith without works is dead, so I put action behind my faith and zealously serve my God, who created my fundraising needs. It is well with my soul because God provided this lack to exercise my faith. Lack often instigates doubt while fulfilled needs strengthen our faith. To quote a line from a Christian-themed, Hallmark movie, “It wouldn’t be called faith unless we had something to doubt.”

Experiencing Jehovah-Jireh

Our ministry needs set the stage for us to know Jehovah-Jireh, which means “the Lord will provide.” Scripture illustrates God our Provider in several accounts, but one account that the Holy Spirit brings to my remembrance is Elijah in 1 Kings 17. In the following passage, God commands Elijah to hide by the brook, where He will feed him:

“You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” So he went and did according to the word of the Lord. He went and lived by the brook Cherith that is east of the Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook. And after a while, the brook dried up because there was no rain in the land. (1 Kings 17:4-7)

In this passage, Elijah’s faith and obedience allow God to show Himself as Jehovah-Jireh. While we may not have faith as strong as those listed in Hebrews 11, we often face the same circumstance as Elijah. This circumstance allows us to experience a confirmation of God’s faithfulness.

I recently completed my doctoral dissertation that studies authentic leadership and its influence on venture philanthropy in Christian, K-12 schools. Yes, that is a mouthful. I have several stories on how God created desperate needs in my arduous academic journey only to fulfill them in His perfect timing. One humorous story that comes to mind is how God sent me a venture philanthropist to participate in my research. I prayed for God to send me another participant, and that same weekend, I received a Papa John’s pizza delivery meant for another address. I called the business, who said that I could keep the pizza. Given my petite stature, I am not one to inhale two large pizzas by myself, so I asked God what He wanted me to do with them. His Holy Spirit told me to “be a blessing,” and two of my coworkers immediately came to mind. One coworker is a hardworking father of three young students, and the other coworker is our school custodian who graciously donates $20 a month from his humble ministry paycheck.

The next morning, as I am putting their pizzas in the faculty breakroom’s fridge, my accounting director sees me and begins inquiring about my research. I informed her that I am still looking for a participant, and she insisted that I reach out to a Colorado school she used to live by before she moved to Texas. She asked me to follow her to her office and was incredibly insistent that I contact the school’s superintendent. She went as far as writing down the leader’s contact information, and to this day, she laughs at how that behavior was out of her shy character. As God would have it, the Colorado school superintendent responded to my email that same day and connected me with his school’s co-founder and philanthropist. When I spoke to her on the phone, the Lord moved me to share what inspired our phone call. After I told her my, “Papa John’s story,” she laughed and fell silent from a moment of shock and awe. She went on to say that her husband represented a company that invested in Papa John’s in its early years and how he had one-on-one meetings with its founder long before the company became a household name.

Key Takeaway

The point of my testimony is that it is God who commands the ravens, or in my case, a Papa John’s pizza deliverer, to fulfill a need. God also commanded more “ravens,” or venture philanthropists, to meet my need for research participants just as He commands them to invest generously in Christian schools. Without a need and your prayer and obedience, God cannot prove himself as a faithful provider. It is God, not a high-net-worth donor, who meets our fundraising needs by speaking His commands. Just as us ministry fundraising professionals are eager to connect with Christian philanthropists, we should be eager to connect daily with the wealthiest donor we will ever encounter – Jehovah-Jireh.


Renee Cervantes

About the Author: Renee Cervantes is the development director for The Christian School at Castle Hills, located in San Antonio, Texas. She leads their $10.5 million capital campaign that has raised $9 million in the last four years. Before joining the school in 2017, Renee’s work experience was in television and newspaper reporting and public relations. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts from The University of the Incarnate Word, where she received a four-year golf scholarship. Renee also has a master’s degree in Christian Ministry and is completing a doctoral degree in Christian Leadership from Liberty University.

Client Impact, Development, Donor Relations, Fundraising

W.A.I.T. for the Gift!

In our get-it-done-quickly, get-it-done-now world, any type of slowdown could be viewed as weak or uncertain. COVID will come to an end and we will again be able to meet our key donors in person. Until then we are limited to Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, Twitter, email, text, smoke signals, the ole cell phone, or whatever. There are many ways to communicate. All too often our communication is one way. We get so excited about sharing our ministry needs and our impact in the world, we forget to listen. Learn to talk a lot less and listen to your donors a whole lot more. Memorize this acrostic: W.A.I.T. – Why Am I Talking? Sometimes, we must W.A.I.T. for the gift. Here are some questions that will help you improve your donor listening skills.

• How did you first become involved in our ministry? How did they learn of you and what caused them to give the first gift? True stewardship is very value-based. What does your ministry accomplish that matches their value system? Why do they continue to give? Ask them what sets apart your organization from the other 1.8 million non-profit organizations in America. 

• Tell me about you. Continue your W.A.I.T. approach. Ask them about their family, goals, dreams, and plans; those things that make them unique. People will share their heart and soul with you if you ask them and show genuine interest. With the pandemic still in full force, people are lonely and are delighted to visit with you in their home, in person (with a mask), on a Zoom call, or on the phone. They will share their passions with you. Asking good questions and listening will help you deepen your relationship with your key donors.

• How do you feel about our ministry’s ROI and SROI? What do they really think about your organization? This can be a daunting question but listen and take copious notes. Do they feel your organization wisely uses their hard-earned money? Do they feel positive about their return on investment (ROI)? Do they see clear evidence of a spiritual return on investment (SROI)? What aspects of your work interests them most? This discovery phase is your opportunity to ask, inquire, and probe. Asking good questions moves your relationship forward and builds trust that might culminate in a major/mega gift.

• What brings you the most joy in your giving? Ask them about other organizations they support and why. Who else might be influencing their stewardship practices? You are asking about their stewardship/philanthropic vision; most donors love sharing their passion to help impact our world. Perhaps you will discover another giving interest they have that could also align with your ministry.

• Ask for advice. Convert them from a customer to an owner. Your major donors are smart people and often will share good ideas. “Do you believe the community will support this project? Do you know any donors who might be able to assist us? Who can become a “Friendraiser?” Who can help us open that door and make an introduction? Who should be involved in the ask?” Remember, the number one reason why people give is because of who asks. People give to people not to proposals or organizations. 

• How could you see yourself becoming more involved with our organization?  Good question! Ask and then W.A.I.T. Don’t make assumptions. Drill deeper in your conversation with each ministry partner. Could this be a family gift, from a trust, or from a donor directed fund? Would they be willing to serve your organization as a volunteer, perhaps in a capacity where they could involve their friends, family, and colleagues? Ask, listen, and W.A.I.T.

• Final question: If you were to give a lead gift what would you want your gift to accomplish? Here again we see what the donor values. “What other information could we provide to help you make an even larger impact on the people we serve?” Major donors will fund your organization’s 3 P’s: programs, personnel, and property. Program – donors will support strengthening existing programs, starting new programs, and finding innovating ways to help your organization be better and sometimes bigger. Personnel – some donors will invest in new staff/team members knowing that it takes deeply-committed, highly-qualified people to run your ministry effectively. Property – perhaps you need new or expanded facilities to maximize your ministry. People give to what you ask. Listen to their heart and present them with a tailormade proposal.

W.A.I.T. means listening your way to an upgraded gift; from low to mid-range, or from a mid-range to a major or mega gift. Learn to include these great questions in all your donor conversations. Good things come to those who W.A.I.T.!

Author: Pat McLaughlin, President and Founding Partner

Client Impact, Development, Donor Relations, Major Donors

Critical Year-End Appeals and Solicitations Part 4

Only a few weeks left!!!

Since Labor Day, you have worked hard to plan your Fall and Year-End appeals via mail and email. You have also made follow up calls to your key ministry friends as well as your Multiple Support Program donors (MSPs) who make multiple gifts on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Now is not the time to back off and give up!  Rather, it’s full speed ahead as you reach out to your key ministry partners and ask them to help you with a generous year-end gift.

Don’t forget to share the following with your donors and ministry friends:

• Remind your donors about the benefits of giving directly from their IRA or appreciated assets, especially since the stock market is tracking at an all-time high.

• Thanks to federal coronavirus relief legislation, taxpayers are now able to take advantage of a new deduction for donating to qualifying charities — up to $300 for individual filers and up to $600 for married couples. This applies even if they don’t itemize, which is favorable news for many tax filers.

•Another helpful CARES Act change removes the charitable contribution deduction cap. Normally, the deduction cap on charitable contributions for those who itemize is 60% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). The CARES Act lifts that cap to 100% for individual and joint tax filers that wish to claim this $300 charitable donation deduction.

For December, we recommend the following action steps to maximize your final year-end appeals follow up and personal solicitations to your ministry partners.

December 2020

• Follow up with a year-end appeal sent out via email and snail mail on or before December 10th.

• Conduct a Ministry Briefing virtual event and arrange follow up virtual visits to those attending the event who express interest in learning more about your ministry.

• Schedule personal/virtual visits with your major/mega donors by your CEO, COO, and CDO during the final month of 2020. Prepare a sample script for scheduling appointments.

• Team members should make “thank you” calls to major, mega, and faithful donors as part of your year-end outreach. Acknowledge gifts received during 2020, particularly major gifts and remind them of your year-end appeal. Recruit a calling team of board members, administrative staff, development department staff, and faithful friends or donors (volunteers) dedicated to the ministry’s mission and vision. Provide a sample script for call team members. The best time to call is between 12/10 to 12/20 after the year-end appeal has arrived.

• CEO, COO, and CDO complete personal/virtual visits with key donors for solicitation of significant year-end gift commitments.

• Make sure your Administrative and Development Staff are on call to follow up with key donors interested in arranging special or last-minute year-end gifts; (i.e., gifts of stock, IRA Rollover, planned gifts, etc.).

Please drop us a line and let us know how you are doing. Visit our website for more helpful tools and resources. We would love to partner with you in your urgent year-end fundraising activities to support and advance the unique ministry mission God has called you to accomplish.

Author: Dan DiDonato, Consulant

Client Impact, Donor Relations, Major Donors

The $100,000 Zoom Call!

Have you scheduled a Zoom donor call yet? Perhaps you have been a late adopter and wonder if your ministry partners are willing to connect digitally. Truth be told, probably most of them have been facetiming their grandchildren for months. Video calls are a wonderful tool because you can see your donor’s face and respond to their body language. You can make a deeper connection, see their home, and even comment on an item you might see on a shelf or a family photo on the wall. Here are a few tips to consider.

1. Know Your Platform. Are you using Webex, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet? Each platform has its own unique features. Familiarize yourself so you can help guide your ministry partner if they have difficulty.

Understand time limitations. WebEx has a 50-minute time limit and Zoom has a 40-minute cap. Plan your conversation well; you don’t want to rush your ask before the clock runs out. You can avoid this by purchasing an unlimited plan.

Log-on 5 minutes early. Legendary Packer’s coach Vince Lombardi once said, “If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late!” Its much better to wait on your donor than to have your donor wait on you.

Look professional. Check your background, position your camera properly, manage your lighting so your face is visible. All of these are important elements of having a great virtual call.

Consider FaceTime or WhatsApp. Virtual platforms may add a level of complexity for your donor. Offer to use FaceTime or WhatsApp which might be easier and more familiar.

2. Understand Your Audience. Some seniors are very tech savvy; some are not. Know your donors’ tech comfort level and help them have a great experience.

Send an instruction email. Before your meeting send an email with a link and all the information they will need. Do your donors need to download an app? Consider including a how-to document that describes the process step-by-step.

Encourage your donor to keep their camera on. Occasionally, someone doesn’t turn on their video. They might not know which button to push; they might be shy or having a bad hair day. Encourage them by saying, “I’d love to see your face.”

Avoid distractions. We’ve all seen Zoom kids and animals. Try to limit any distractions but don’t freak out if they happen. Just take it in stride.

Have a contingency plan. You might experience internet connection problems. Don’t keep trying a bad connection, just default to a phone call. Let them know that if you get disconnected you will call them.

3. Make a Personal Connection. Video gives you an opportunity to make a much deeper connection than just a voice call.

Clearly communication the purpose of your visit. Let them know in advance if you are planning to ask. Say something like, “I would love to connect with you on a Zoom call to share some current ministry updates and prayer requests and ask if you would consider supporting our year end campaign.”

Focus on your donor. Make the first part of your visit about them and their well-being. Catch up on life since the last time you spoke.

Say “Thank You.” Gratitude never goes out of style. Virtual calls give you an opportunity to look your donors in the eye and genuinely express your heartfelt thanks.

Tune into facial expressions. Always mention how good it is to see their faces. This is especially meaningful during COVID when perhaps they haven’t been able to go to church to see their friends.

4. Tell Your Story. Take advantage of the video platform to creatively tell your story.

Send materials in advance. If you have a brochure or even a gift proposal mail or email it in advance to give them time to read it and think about questions they may have.

Include other team members. Virtual meetings give you the flexibility to include your president, a board member, and a faculty or staff member. Use these expert witnesses to add excitement to your meeting and build a strong case for support.

Give a virtual tour. Take your iPad and walk around your building or campus and let your donors see your ministry in real time.

Share a video. If you can’t take a tour, consider showing a video. Be sure to practice first. Videos can add so much to the conversation but it’s one more thing that could go wrong.

5. Focus on Outcomes. If you don’t have a plan for your meeting, it can easily drift into just a pleasant conversation.

Identify three outcomes. Put a post-it note with your meeting outcomes on your monitor to remind you to accomplish your goal. These could be to gather personal information, identify giving interests, discover motivations, or ask for a specific gift, etc.

Stick to your time limit. Virtual calls tend to be more focused. Don’t rush the conversation but realize that a donor’s attention span may be less than the Zoom imposed time limit. Follow the three “B’s” (Be Sharp, Be Brief, and Be Gone).

Establish your next steps. Don’t hang up without outlining your follow-up plan. If they need time to pray about their gift decision ask, “Would it be okay if I called you in a couple of weeks to hear how the Lord might be leading you to partner with us?”

Follow-up. Treat virtual donor calls as you would in-person calls. Send a hand-written note. Answer any questions they asked in the meeting. Share additional information. Check on their gift decision and pray with your donor.

Cross International works with partners in 14 countries reaching out to 40,000 children and families though 46 projects like food, clean water, orphan and childcare, medical aid, education, housing, disaster relief, and microenterprise opportunities. Cross has a small team of three Individual Donor Officers (IDO) and a new mid-level donor representative.

Kristen, one of their IDOs, has been cultivating a donor who was interested in a food project in Guatemala. This ministry partner gave $1,000 last year, so Kristen followed up with thank you notes, reached out with phone calls and emails, and attempted a personal meeting. The donor didn’t have time for a meeting, but later sent $40,000. Kristen continued the conversation and earlier this year the donor wanted to travel to Guatemala to meet the team but COVID restrictions prevented him. So, Kristen offered a Zoom visit with the executive director, herself, and their Guatemalan partners. The donor asked his questions directly to the field staff doing the work. As a result of that conversation he made a $100,000 gift!

Virtual visits work, yet they don’t always go smoothly. You can be fully prepared, but Murphy’s Law applies especially to technology. Kristen had scheduled three interviews, unfortunately one of the partners could not connect. The donor was understanding about the limitations of technology in developing countries and thanked Kristen for all her work to schedule the meetings.

One last note: The donor had car trouble that day and logged on from his phone while stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. This donor has an incredibly busy schedule, but God slowed him down that day so he could hear a great impact story directly from international ministry partners.

Be creative in your approach to virtual meetings and boldly tell your story to your donors. Perhaps God will throw open the floodgates of heaven for your ministry.

Capital Campaigns, Client Impact, Major Donors

Small Town… Big God!

Paul the Apostle set up shop in the city of Ephesus; for three years he taught, trained, discipled, and mentored a young understudy named Timothy. They became close friends and Paul even penned two intimate books to his young Pastor friend canonized in the Holy Writ (1 & 2 Timothy). The Timothy Group has been teaching, training, discipling, and mentoring our clients around the world for more than 30 years. It’s not rocket science, it’s all about relationships. If you can clearly identify your story, mission, vision, core values, and your need, you too, can be successful.

We have been privileged to mentor a college president in the booming metropolis of Haviland, Kansas, population 683; only 2,516 individuals live in the entire county. Dr. Royce Frazier has been President of Barclay College for 10 years. He has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, not fundraising, yet Dr. Frazier and his team have completed two campaigns in the past three years. In 2018, Barclay dedicated their new fine arts center, a beautiful $8.5 million facility. And in this pandemic year, Royce led a campaign to raise $800,000 to launch their new Nursing Program.

As they were nearing their latest goal, Dr. Frazier and their director of nursing approached the county hospital foundation with a request for $40,000 a year for three years. Three times during his presentation, Royce mentioned $400,000 a year for three years. WOWIZER, the directors sat there in shock. One of them finally asked, “Let me get this straight, are you asking us for $400,000 annually for three years for a total of $1,200,000?” Royce was just as shocked as the board. Finally, he realized his misstatement and adjusted his request to $120,000. The next day the foundation notified him that they had granted his request. Maybe he was implementing some sort of crazy reverse psychology, but in any case, the Barclay College Nursing Program is now oversubscribed at $920,000. God is Good!

Barclay College is planning a $6.5 million campaign for 2021 for a new wellness center/gymnasium. Two weeks ago, a donor mentioned he might want to put their name on the new building and asked how large of a gift it would require. Without skipping a beat, Royce said, “About half!” This mild-mannered family counselor went from fear to faith and asked a donor for a $3 million lead gift.

We have been in the field with Dr Frazier; we’ve taught, trained, discipled, and mentored him. We helped him fine tune his asking skills and he has taken it to a whole new level. Let’s be honest, many times you have not… because you have asked not. We teach our clients to utilize “Holy Boldness,” not a spirt of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). If we can help you become a great storyteller and an asker, give us a shout. Very likely you already have the relationships, they just need to hear your story, review your plan, and be encouraged to give!

Author: Pat McLaughlin, President/Founder

Client Impact

Challenges Do Not Define, But Refine Your Mission

April 1 began a new way of life for Pennsylvanians. Children, High School seniors, and college students had an unexpected ending to their school years. The unemployment numbers spiked—many left without jobs to support loved ones. Fear began to infiltrate homes, leaving many to ask the question, “Where do we go from here?” Or “How can I support my family?”

Keystone Mission identified those fears and quickly transitioned their resources to provide help and hope to the Northeast PA community.

Don’t Let Crisis Define You, But REFINE You.

The economic impact the stay-at-home order has on the community of Northeast PA will not define us. On March 23, the leadership of Keystone Mission began to rework its regular food distribution program to become a hub for all who were affected by COVID-19. The Mission started the Emergency Food Assistance Program, which provided a bag of food: meats, produce, and other non-perishable items. Individuals from families, shut-in seniors, and those unable to provide for themselves received food once a week, for however long they needed it. CEO (Commission on Economic Operations), US Foods, and The Canning House stepped up to become reliable partners to the Mission. Their support to provide help and hope has made the most significant impact on the community.

Keystone Mission has seen an overwhelming response to the Emergency Food Assistance program since March 23, providing over 260,000 pounds of food to over 20,000 individuals. 7,173 of that 20,000 are families, and 8,261 are children. Help and hope are available to all who are in need. 

The Emergency Food Assistance program is not the only support Keystone Mission is offering to the community. In April, the Mayor of Scranton, Paige Cognetti, and Keystone Mission CEO, Justin Behrens, partnered to provide emergency shelter to the homeless population until the end of the stay-at-home orders. The housing is at the Weston Field House (which is where Keystone Mission runs the Code Blue Shelter). The shelter allows 25 residents to receive a bed, food, showers, and case management with Keystone Mission staff. 

Refining Your Story Brings GIFTS.

Going through this community-wide crisis together has helped Keystone Mission refine, clarify, and better tell its “story.” This has resulted in astounding community response for support to Keystone Mission and the residents. We received a $20,000 grant through the Scranton Area Community Foundation and additional funds through the Mission to support the shelter. Due to the generous monetary gifts and donated meals from community members, seven guests have transitioned into permanent housing and are receiving social security cards and benefits, scheduled visits to local agencies for support, and additional help as needed. One group recently experienced a fire that displaced them in Scranton.

Gifts Bring Transformation & HOPE.

To date, 39 individuals have walked through West Field House doors. Examples of life transformation include an eighteen-year-old woman who is pregnant and using drugs. Through the relationships developed at the shelter, she is now dedicated to make a change. Keystone Mission staff worked to place her at a location where she will give birth to her child and she can start her life of transformation. Another amazing story is a 74-year-old guest who was homeless for most of his life and used a walker. Much like the eighteen-year-old, his life was changed because of the relationships developed. He now has his own home, the first one in thirty-five years, and life transformation can continue to happen.

The impact that Keystone Mission continues to have on the community of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties would not be possible without the incredible support of the surrounding communities and our God. Keystone Mission is looking to the future with excitement and hope. The leadership has used this time to re-think the organization’s impact in the community. It is in strategy to provide a more defined program to the homeless and low-income families. The Mission waits in excitement to share the vision for the future. 

Please feel free to contact Justin to trade ideas or encourage and serve one another in Christ:

Justin Behrens, LSW
CEO/Executive Director
T. 570.871.4795 ext. 402

Client Impact

RIMI: Reaching Indians Ministry International!

On occasion, The Timothy Group loves to share what Kingdom-inspiring things our friends are up to in hopes that it helps others clarify their “3 M” story – Ministry, Message, and Money. Here is what’s happening at Reaching Indians Ministries International, located in the USA and India.  


RIMI is an international, interdenominational evangelical Christian missions agency established in 1993. RIMI is committed to glorifying Christ by training indigenous leaders who establish vibrant Christ-centered communities in South Asia and beyond to transform lives spiritually, socially, and economically. The three key program areas are: (1) Evangelism and Church Planting, (2) Leadership Development, and (3) Compassion Ministries.  


RIMI’s mission is to help in nation-building through transformational community development programs in South Asia and around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially the poor and marginalized. 

RIMI’s goal is to reach Indians all over the world, not just in South Asia. Their model is to raise up indigenous leaders who will bring the Gospel message to their own people. 

RIMI trustees have developed a visionary strategic plan that includes some exciting new projects that will position RIMI to transform lives for the future.  


Of course, RIMI’s visionary planning comes with raising the necessary funds to match their Kingdom goals. Their hopes and plans include raising $500,000 for opening MI hospital with a starting nursing college, hire and deployment of recent graduates, COVID-19 relief, Seminary, and upgrade Alumni Network marketing.  

The Timothy Group is supporting and praying for Reaching Indians Ministries International’s Kingdom accomplishments! 

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